About the Animals
As the name suggests, longhorns have large horns that can measure up to 120 inches for steers and 70 to 80 inches for cows and bulls. Their horn tips can develop a slightly upward turn or even a triple twist. They can be kept as pets or raised for their lean meat.
While some people believe Longhorns are tough to handle or even aggressive, most Texas Longhorns are very docile and easy to manage. When a longhorn is comfortable with people, it can easily be handled and even trained to obey human commands.
Fun Fact 1
Longhorn female cows weigh around 600 to 1400 pounds and bulls weigh up
to 2200 pounds
Fun Fact 2
The longhorn population was on the edge of extinction in the 1920s, partly due to crossbreeding and hunting
Fun Fact 3
Calves can begin sprouting horns as early as 3 weeks old
Fun Fact 4
Longhorn herds can travel long distances, surviving several days without water
and little food
Fun Fact 5
Fort Griffin State Park is the home of the State of Texas Longhorn herd